Wednesday, February 24, 2010

5 Weeks

I had another doctors appointment yesterday to check on my progress and got some great news! No more weekly appointments! Yah! Now I don't have to see him again for another 6 weeks. He also gave me clearance to go to the gym and remove my compression garment after the weekend! It will be so nice to start wearing normal clothes & not have to worry about the compression garment pushing out all my chubby parts!

I've been counting my calories to the best of my ability & looking forward to getting back to the gym. My ultimate goal is to get to 145 lbs, so about another 5 lbs to lose. I'm going on vacation 7 weeks from today, so hopefully I can get close!! All my clothes seem to hide my results, which is okay right now since I have to hide the compression garment. I'm looking forward to wearing a tight shirt. My skinny jeans are already getting quite baggy on me.

I'm very happy with my scar. It's very thin & seems to be healing really nicely. It does agitate me when the binder is on it too tight, but I find having a layer underneath it, such as my underwear, really helps to prevent it from rubbing against the scar & providing some cushion.

Well, that's all! I'll update on the weekend after my weigh in with new pictures!


  1. Wow - you look FANTASTIC!!! I'm also a MFP member and have been following since your surgery. You've been thru so much with your weight loss and this surgery - kudos to you!!!

  2. What great news! I'm so happy it's finally going so much better for you. I appreciate all the details and can't wait to see your next pictures!
